Navigating the New Era: the East, the Left, and U.S. Elections

Interview with Stefan Liebich from the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) in New York City

The interview took place on July 25th, 2024.

Stefan is the Executive Director of the New York office for USA, Canada and the United Nations, of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. Amanda Gläser-Bligh is the current VP of Communications for the German Fulbright Alumni Association.

Stefan Liebich - Headshot by Ben Gross
Stefan Liebich – Headshot by Ben Gross

Amanda: Welcome, Stefan! Tell us a bit about yourself.

Stefan: I am now 51 years old. I grew up in East Germany, in the GDR. I was a full time politician, a lawmaker my whole life. I was elected to the Berlin state parliament in 1995 when I was quite young. And then I was proud to win my district for the Bundestag in 2009. My district was Pankow, Prenzlauer Berg and Weissensee, like the heart of Berlin.

So yeah, I was proud to win the district three times, being a member of a left party, which is a big thing. Winning a district is different from being elected through our proportional system into a parliament because you don’t have to only convince your own people, you have to convince the majority. I did this and I’m still proud of it. I was in the Bundestag, in the Committee of Foreign Affairs for twelve years and also vice chairman of the U.S. Germany Friendship group.

And this, not only this, but this was one of the reasons I applied for the work I am doing now. So now I am the executive director of the RLS here in New York. And our office is responsible for the United States, a bit of Canada. And we are working in and with the UN. We collaborate with the other political foundations, which are all based in Washington, D.C. But we are the only foundation doing all our work from New York, which is on the one hand nice, because I love the city. My family lives here. My wife is American. She’s been living in Brooklyn since forever. But it’s also a bit challenging, because if you talk about U.S. politics, as we say in German, die Musik spielt in Washington. So I’m very often on the train, going back and forth.

“Voting, election, politics, and American politics”; photo: Jon Tyson on Unsplash
“Voting, election, politics, and American politics”; photo: Jon Tyson on Unsplash

So we opened our office here in New York City, a little bit more than ten years ago in 2012. I was actually there when the office opened. We are still in the same beautiful building at 275 Madison Avenue. It’s lovely, with a nice view over Manhattan. And we do a little bit of Canada. We are friends with Quebec Solidaire, which is a left party in Quebec.

Amanda: I’m French Canadian, not that I’m part of that party, but that’s my heritage.

Stefan: We have some connections to the left wing of the NDP, the Social Democrats there, and support some left organizations. But mostly we are translating left German politics to the U.S. And also, progressive politics from the U.S. to Germany. Because in my years in the German Bundestag, I learned that the German political mainstream was only looking at the center of U.S. politics, such as moderate Republicans, which we don’t find anymore, and centrist Democrats. And obviously, after Donald Trump was elected the first time, they realized this is not a smart way to do it because they didn’t know anyone from Trump’s people.

But I always tell them, you have to do the same on the other side. There are so many Germans, and you may know this, who still think that Bernie Sanders and AOC are just a fringe sector. I was like, no, there are influential people in U.S. politics that you have to talk to. And that’s also my mission, to tell the Germans there is a left side of U.S. politics you really should care about.

And then we are supporting some labor union work, childcare, reproductive rights, such things. But most of our work is actually in the United Nations. There is a ‘Summit of the Future’ coming. We are doing a lot of nice things here that I really like. We are a team of eight people.

Amanda: My first question about the movement in U.S. politics right now. Things are changing very rapidly in the past week and a half. The news media here (in the U.S.) is very positive towards Kamala, which surprised me. Up until last week, she was a bit of a lame duck, who suddenly had this wave of support after Biden stepped down. How would you explain this to Germans?

Stefan: From my point of view and trying to translate these developments to Germans, I say, in general, you have very fixed groups of people who are in their camps. You have people who will vote Democrat no matter what and also the same for Republicans. And when the assassination attempt against Donald Trump happened, the picture of him raising his fist and the flag was shown everywhere, and there were a lot of German headlines that said, “Now, everything is decided, and it’s over.” And I was like, why would a person, because of this picture, change their opinion? Of course, for the Democrats, it became harder to attack Donald Trump. That’s right. Of course we have a group of Independents. But I was telling the Germans, stay calm, don’t give up yet, of course this makes things harder, but of course nothing is decided by this one picture.

And I was always a person trying to defend Joe Biden, because I think politically, his agenda is quite good. I followed the whole debate about the Build Back Better and it turned into the Inflation Reduction Act, the infrastructure plan, and there are big things that he really wanted to do, and some of them, he could push through the Congress. So that is big. And if you look at the economic data, it’s good. Unemployment is low, inflation is low. But I see that for some people that don’t have much money, the prices are too high. I see this. If inflation is not as high anymore, it only means that the prices are not rising much faster. So they still don’t have enough money.

But I really think that he did a lot. Of course, there is criticism, I would – from a left standpoint – criticize him about U.S. support for the war in Gaza, as well as for when he started to compete with Donald Trump on the right, so when it came to migration, he was not much better. So, I’m quite happy that the Republicans, for quite weird reasons, stopped the border plan, because it was a bad plan. I don’t like that he was not active enough when it came to the fight for the right of having an abortion. He did some things, but you could see that it was, as a man, as a Catholic, was not coming. But in general, I defended him. I always believed that he does not have dementia, that he’s stuttering, because he did it his whole life. But after the debate, as my wife Hilary wrote in an article, “You couldn’t unsee it”.

And at this point, it was clear that the Democratic party needed someone else. And actually, Kamala Harris wouldn’t have been my first choice, but it’s not for me to decide. I remember the whole euphoria when she was nominated as Vice President, and I got it – the first woman of South Asian descent – that was great. But she couldn’t deliver on so many things. Some people said that Biden didn’t give her enough space, and then others claimed that she wasn’t a good leader. If you look at the people who have left her office, you hear voices from the past that she wasn’t a good leader and she wasn’t a good campaigner. But then I was actually surprised, to be honest, that there is a momentum that I never would have expected.

We have a 12 year old, my wife’s daughter, living with us, and what’s happening on Tiktok, it’s crazy. The people love her, this whole Charlie XCX thing, and this coconut tree meme, that’s really crazy. I know that it’s not politics, but it’s important. We have a person who can connect to the youth. It’s important. Biden wouldn’t do it. It’s too much of a generational gap. I am hopeful. But either way, people are still in their camps, but this feeling of optimism is so important.

I don’t have to be neutral here, as I’m part of a left organization, I’m really having a lot of fun right now seeing that the media are like two-thirds talking about Kamala and the Democrats. I watched the news yesterday and there was just a 15 minute segment at the end out of one hour about the secret service director’s interrogation. For the Trump camp, it must be horrible. Their whole strategy is falling apart.

Amanda: Let’s switch gears. What kinds of scholarships do the Rosa Luxemburg groups provide for people? How do you select young people who are in pursuit of higher education, which is a noble pursuit?

Stefan: So, the system of political foundations, they all have a budget from the German government to help young people during their education. Some get a monthly stipend to go to University. Some get support for tuition, some get support when they arrive, some get funded for the time to write their thesis. This supports people doing Master’s thesis, PhDs. What we do differently than other organizations, is we try to look at those who really need it. I want to describe it like, when I’m working here in the U.S. and I meet Germans, those are mostly West Germans, and those are mostly Germans coming from a good family background.

I would say that most of these people are already convinced that we should have a good relationship with the U.S. There is a lack of people from not so rich backgrounds and especially East Germans. I think this is something that we, as the RLS, are doing and we all should do more.

As you know, there are a lot of U.S. Americans who never went abroad, or they don’t want to. If we are going in such a direction, then I’m afraid that with a second Trump administration that all these programs would be at risk. The general question of having youth and student exchange programs is: are the countries interested that young people should travel abroad and learn more about other countries? I’m not sure about this, if the Trump administration comes back.

Regarding Germany, our party still has a strong base in East Germany. Not so much in election results, unfortunately anymore, but if you look at memberships, the Left party is the second strongest party after the CDU. So, we are well connected there and if we are asking for applications on our channels, then we will get more applications from this area and from other backgrounds.

I was just at some meetings at the German consulate and I think there were three East Germans out of fifty people. This is understandable, because the U.S. was present in West Germany through the army, so there were all these contacts. But I know that they are trying. They do have a consulate in Leipzig. But still, the challenges are higher in East Germany because in our schools when I grew up, the U.S. was always the enemy. So, it’s harder to convince people. They have more negative stereotypes about Americans in East Germany. However, if you are interested in good relationships, this should be an invitation to do more where we have to do more, and not go the easy way, where it’s nice, but this doesn’t win anyone over. People are already convinced there.

Amanda: We’ve done a few events in Eastern Germany. The idea is that we do more in this region.

Stefan: Rostock could be an idea. It’s not only a beautiful city – it’s by the Baltic Sea. Their mayor, Eva Maria Kröger from the Left party was just elected last year. She was just here in New York, and the Embassy tries to establish a network of city contacts. Their strategy is to prepare for a Trump administration, they say they want to have weatherproof relations. So, we are not only dependent on a national level, we also want to establish contacts between the states and the cities. Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, was there, inviting a group of mayors from Germany, and I was so happy that Eva was among them. We have to go where it’s more complicated.

Amanda: Thank you, Stefan, for the interview!

Read more from our FRANKly magazine!

Will anyone care if you vote?

by Sterling De Sutter Summerville

While I cannot recall what year of school I was in the first time I learned of the Milgram experiments, I do remember that study leaving a lasting effect on how I saw the world. In short, the Milgram Experiment was a series of social psychology experiments that were conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s. Dr. Milram intended to measure the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. I won’t summarize the entire experiment but essentially it tested the limits of obedience to authority by instructing participants to administer what they believed were increasingly painful electric shocks to another person. In the end, the results revealed a surprising willingness of regular people to follow authorities orders even when they would go to cause others harm. I encourage anyone with a passive interest in psychology to check it out. I raise this subject because in a way, these were tests of integrity. Tests to see what people would do when those who will be impacted by our actions, don’t see that it is us who are the catalyst for their fortune. Now this was just one illustrated example, but there are tests of integrity and honor in front of each of us every day; and perhaps none more socially apparent than how we exercise our power to influence social order. At crossroads like these, we all have to make a choice that is not exactly binary, but beckons that we either show support for our fellow country residents and international citizens – or move towards denying them decency.

Use Your Vote
©Canva Creative Studio via 

Globally, more voters than ever in history will head to the polls as at least 64 countries (plus the European Union) – representing a combined population of about 49% of the people in the world – are meant to hold national elections. This matter of fact means that nearly half of the world’s population will be set for governing under leaders who will be confirmed or reconfirmed this year. That is an immense amount of power for anyone who is of voting age and holds the right in one of those countries. We could have a long discussion another day about voting laws, who and why votes are cast in the ways that they are, but rather today, I want to spend some time focusing on the importance of participation.

In my opinion, one major marker of intelligence is the ability for one to learn from mistakes. Regardless of the subject, if we can do that, if we can be brave enough to imagine a new way, we have a chance to achieve a greater potential. That realizable potential is a beautiful fruit that hinges on the stem of a simple idea. Just one idea that the things that make us rich as a culture and society are born of generosity and compassion. We know what is at stake. There is no shortage of adverse impacts that can come with a lack of social inclusion and distributed power, but the only way we can be sure power is shared in equitable fair ways is to acknowledge our history of when it was not, and honor those who were wronged by ensuring that the similar tyrannical ideas that lead to destruction are vehemently rejected.

For all who are reading this article and also have the opportunity to vote in an election, my appeal to you is singular. Plainly, please DO NOT GIVE IN to comfort or apathy. The electoral maps you look at may invite you to get complacent…the distance from the current global atrocities may request disassociation, but I promise you, someone cares. The decisions we make at junctures like these have consequences, and our choices have wide-reaching impacts whether we see them or not. Someone is depending on you. Someone out there has their fate hanging in the balance and your vote, your presence, your advocacy is all that stands between their body autonomy, their life and erasure. Every vote matters.

In the context of the United States, as NPR’s Domenico Montanaro has put it, “in 2020 just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College”. There are high school football stadiums in this country that fit more than 44,000 people. The Washington Post reported that in the 2016 election thanks to just under 80,000 combined votes in three key states, the person who won, did so. These are relatively small numbers for an action that has such a huge impact.

Together We are Stronger
©Julia Beck via

Sometimes it may feel difficult to stay motivated. I can attest for certain that when I think it is a foregone conclusion that a person or party will win, it makes my resolve soften. That said, I am here today asking both me and you that if you or someone you know is low on motivation, to shift the narrative. If you are not motivated by the current risks, let past history or future promise be your guide. If you are not in the know about who are the best candidates, let the challenge of educating yourself lead the way. If you think you have nothing to lose with the thought of authoritarian rule as a possibility, de-center yourself and prove your strength to do what is hard so that others may have it easier. Whatever motivates you to action, let this moment in time feel your presence. The sacrifices of your ancestors who did not always have the agency or control to contribute a vote matters, YOU matter, and as a way to affirm that and honor the process that it took for you to engage in a vote, let your values direct your pen.

To go further, for a moment, I want you to picture yourself, a fair bit older, a bit greyer or balder, with a few more creases near your eyes, and tell me what withered you. I actually want you to put yourself in the shoes of that version of yourself and from that perspective, take a look backward. Answer these questions: Are you proud of the safety and security of people outside of your hometown and home country? Are there places that you can’t go because of restrictions and oppression? Was there more you wanted to do? If you think the answers to those latter questions are likely to be yes, I am pleading with the you of today to change the world to eliminate that future yes. I want this current you to stand tall at this decision making point, fully aware and empowered. While perhaps tired and frustrated, this version of you is who is here to save the day and to fight for human rights. You today can ensure that the you of the future is able to look back with pride. You can earn your stripes by doing the thing that is aligned with your values. Your hopes for peace in the world may mean that you speak truth to power. It may mean that even though others laughed at you or made fun of your bleeding heart, that you did the thing that protected the vulnerable and shunned hate. You may have to sacrifice something good for something great and put the less protected peoples’ rights above your own.

You have the power to weave the fabric of reciprocity. You with your voice and your gall, you with your social media and your passion, you from right where you are! You can be the reason we bind our potential to our neighbors and break free of the limitations narrow-mindedness tries to put on us. One person may not be able to predict every ripple effect that will come with a vote, but we can try to influence change and do the right things to move in the right direction. We have to get creative in our asks and the way we position and demand change. We must honor selflessness and demonstrate to evil that we will not be silent.

Climate Justice Act Now
©FatDesign via

The default of nature is diversity. Equity is ensuring everyone has what they need to thrive. Our life’s harmony and inclination is inclusion. People and nature have existed together for millions of years, we can and have done so with respect for those to come in the future. For you to be you, and for you to want others to feel good and comfortable being them on their own terms; and then making sure that nothing blocks either of those things means you are a DEI advocate and defender. It may not make your skin crawl the way it does mine to see the attacks on democracy and nature as we know it, but I need you to push back and put up your guards for me, and I will put mine up for the next vulnerable person or environment. The people speak. The earth is speaking. Every part of the ecosystem works together like fascia in the human body. Now is the time to listen and fight harder than ever; showing up with a stance to preserve not only your rights but those of your neighbors, friends, community and planet.

Comfort can sometimes be the enemy of growth, so I dare you, venture into confidence. Question systems and when in doubt, do something that might require you to give up a little power and advantage so that others whom it has been withheld from might have it. If you’re connected, call in your favors. If you are an artist, use your art. If you are a musician, use your music … whatever platforms you have, make them bridges and with compassion empower people to make change. Meet folks where they are and stay humble in remembering that at one point you did not know everything you know now.

Never forget that you matter and when in doubt, do as I do when I want to reject the self-care and self-compassion I am advised to take on by my therapist. She asks me to always remember that to care for others means that at critical high stress and nerve-racking times like these, where the roads are forked and the choices daunting … we must take care of ourselves as well. She says to show up for myself in the way that I would tell my best friend or loved one to if they were in my position. So just as you would tell them to eat or sleep or not to be so hard on themselves, you do the same. Perseverance and sustainable existence can be resistance, so fight on. For you, for me, and for the world as we want it!

Author Info:

Sterling De Sutter Summerville
Sterling De Sutter Summerville

Sterling De Sutter Summerville, a seasoned executive leader with an extensive background leading teams in Africa, Asia, and Europe carries a distinguishment as a Fulbright Scholar, and currently serves as the Founding Director and Lead Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategist at De Sutter Summerville Consulting (DSSC). As the head of this premier Strategy Consulting firm, Sterling excels in assisting individuals and brands in formulating and articulating positions on culturally sensitive topics. Prior to establishing DSSC, Sterling dedicated over a decade to the education, technology, and nonprofit sectors, often aligning his efforts with organizations committed to Human Rights advocacy. Amongst others, Sterling’s work credits include time spent at both Google and Snap Inc. (parent company of Snapchat). He has been featured in the LA Times, earned his Master’s in Education from the University of Cincinnati and holds a Bachelor’s degree from Valparaiso University. Beyond his formal consulting endeavors, Sterling actively contributes to the professional learning landscape. Noteworthy achievements include the creation of a LinkedIn Learning Course titled ‘Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations,’ which has garnered participation from over 40,000 learners.

Read more from our FRANKly magazine!

Navigating Crossroads: Our 2024 FRANKly Magazine

Welcome, 2024 FRANKly!

The FRANKly is our yearly association publication, where our members and other Fulbrighters write articles on a particular theme.

Our 2024 FRANKly title page with a picture of salt flats.

This year’s theme is: Navigating Crossroads.  We have a selections of articles, such as, “The Power of Choice and the Fear of Indecision!”, “Conquering Crossroads”, “Wir schaffen das – Persevering Towards Equity in Hamburg’s Diverse Classrooms” and “Plastic Fantastic”.

We hope that this year’s edition is insightful for you and that you’ll enjoy either our digital copy, or a printed version, which should arrive to all members in their mailboxes soon.

The 35th Edition of the FRANKly magazine.

FRANKly 2024: Call for Articles

The FRANKly is the annual journal of the German Fulbright Alumni Association. In addition to reporting on the association’s regional, national, and international activities, the publication serves as a platform for current Fulbrighters and alumni from the ‘One Fulbright Community’ to share your fascinating experiences, witty opinions, unique perspectives, and thoughtful insights.

The 2024 Call for Articles is here and we are thrilled to announce this year’s theme: Navigating Crossroads

Crossroads in Udine, Province of Udine, Italy. Photo by Gabriele Tirelli on Unsplash.
Crossroads in Udine, Province of Udine, Italy. Photo by Gabriele Tirelli on Unsplash.

Everyday, we find ourselves at crossroads requiring us to make choices. Some are small and have little impact on our lives. Others change us forever, like taking a new job or going abroad and immersing ourselves in a new culture. And others yet again resonate throughout the world.

The FRANKly 2024 welcomes contributions that explore different crossroads, big and small, and the creative and brave ways we can navigate them. What is the significance of conscious choice for you and what does this mean in the world we live in? What are the crossroads you personally find yourself at? And what are the lessons we can learn from them?

The crossroads we have to navigate in 2024 seem endless. Wars and conflicts, the many grievances within our societies and the ever-present threat of the climate crisis create within us the wish for peace and stability, for justice and equality. How can our choices contribute to bringing these about, changing the world for the better? With another U.S. as well as European Parliament elections and others ahead of us, the question of making decisions becomes very straightforward. The choices we will make will impact not just the transatlantic world, but the world at large. Recent attacks on our democratic order have shown that merely living in democracies is not enough to keep them alive. We need to recognize the importance our everyday choices have in both making our societies more resilient as well as in shaping our own lives. We need to see the crossroads we are facing and do our best to navigate them.

Articles exhibiting a connection to the expansive ‘One Fulbright Community’ from across the globe are welcome, as are articles with creative approaches of how our main theme resonates with you personally. When submitting your article, please provide 2-3 sentences about yourself in third person and a headshot. Authors are encouraged to submit images (3-6 images) that support their article, including the photographer’s name and a caption. Articles may range in length from 3,000-12,000 characters (including spaces) and should be written in American English.

The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2024. Please send all questions, ideas, and contributions to Jana Frey via email at

Your Editorial Team,

Jana Frey and Vera Fuller

Why true Impact needs Hype Culture

By Isabelle Rogat

Let me take you with me on a small dream-like journey through our Marketing World and how it plays a role in, well, building brighter futures.

 thjnk Zeitgeist, the Trend & Gen Z Consultancy from thjnk. Anesa Lokvancic, Isabelle Rogat, Ula Abu Allel & Marie Schablitzky
thjnk Zeitgeist, the Trend & Gen Z Consultancy from thjnk. Anesa Lokvancic, Isabelle Rogat, Ula Abu Allel & Marie Schablitzky

A fever dream, but still – a dream.
So close your eyes (metaphorically) and lean back (literally)…

You are a sneaker.
(Yup, never thought you’d read those words in a FRANKly, but here we are.)
You’ve descended from the mind of a London Designer, fueled by oat milk latte, traveled to the hands of a Bangladeshi factory worker, were shipped over 2 oceans, 3 railroads and one rather rough-handling UPS driver to a New York Showroom in Manhattan.

You are more internationally traveled than the buying agent AND sales rep combined.
You cost 295$ and made up of 40$ worth of material.
You – are supposed to become the next big thing.
By the second that you arrive in the 12th floor Manhattan Showroom in your full beauty, you are being swarmed by TikTok-swiping, Adidas Samba-wearing Marketeers with the most creative of ideas to not only bring you into the shelves of this world, but into the hearts & feeds.
“How about a moving Online Video campaign, in which we position you as the footwear of the brave, showing world changers of 2023 proudly strutting in style?”
“What if we created a TikTok Challenge, using you as the modern version of the Cinderella shoe needing to find its owner?”
“Maybe we could create a digital version of you and place you in games like Fortnite?”

Cut. New dream.
Now, you are an NGO fighting gendered crime.
Or a political policy trying to further transatlantic understanding.
Or the 1.5 degree goal.
You’d been standing on the street with a megaphone and a 20 page, well-researched, factually correct – but sadly, quite boring – speech script. As a matter of fact, you could swear you saw the marketeers from your first dream pass by you on their way to buy the fake cinderella crown for their TikTok.
They didn’t notice you though, you were just going off about the statistics of some regulation – and also, you were facing in the wrong direction.
One marketing student helped you design some flyers, but their time & stock image royalty only amounted to a poorly lit image of you holding your speech with a comic sans headline. With a spelling mistake.
One person stood in front of your speech and clapped.
It was your working student.
Somewhere in the back, crickets chirping.

Now you wake up.
What you’ve just endured wasn’t just a very unfortunate use of your dream time (and by that, rather hard to explain to your therapist) – but the central marketing dilemma preventing us from advancing to those futures we’re reading about in this FRANKly. The unequal distribution of true, cutting edge creativity.

Because if we think about what moves our public opinion, our hypes, our trends – it’s never been what is most important. Most highly produced. Or even most aesthetic.
What creates queues in front of “Live Fast Die Young” stores is the same thing missing in furthering gender equality. What currently sells out Taylor Swift Tour shows in our cinemas is the same thing that is missing when we try to get people to fight against climate change.

Creative Ideas.
Innovative narratives separating what the core of the issue is and what it is being wrapped in.
Finding ways to bring this state of the art commercial creativity to our socio-economical, political and ecological challenges will be at the center of how Marketing can truly create a brighter future for us.
That’s what I’ve founded “thjnk Zeitgeist” for, a Trend & Innovation Creative Consultancy within the thjnk group.
That’s why for all Fulbrighters, we can be easily reached via Whatsapp (+49 40 41 34 99 34) and why I will always aim to use creativity for good.
Because who says, it’s always the sneaker being charmed by marketeers.
Why not the sneaker AND the policy?

So: If you are a Fulbrighter or Alumni pushing forward change in your organization, your party or your personal projects and you are looking to elevate your novel goals to public hype: Feel free to call, text, voice memo.
Let’s build a brighter future, 2023-style.

Author Info

Photo and Headshot of Isabelle Rogat by Frieda Maelle
Photo and Headshot by Frieda Maelle

Isabelle Rogat is a true marketing chameleon, having recently founded a Trend & Gen Z Hub in her Agency thjnk. At 25, she is not only working on building more “new age competence” in the advertising industry, but also a 40 under 40, columnist, podcast host and youngboard member. Ever since she has participated in a Fulbright Summer School at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, she has been closely associated with the program.

Data for a Brighter Future

by Jan Moellmann

I believe in the power of technology, entrepreneurship and our agency as humans to build a brighter future. The rise of impact investing and impact entrepreneurship is a great expression of this. More and more people are using their talent, time and resources to work on a sustainable future, acknowledging that there is more at stake than just money. Impact investing and entrepreneurship are both trying to generate intentional and measurable positive social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. However, the difficulty faced by these actors is that there is a lack of data that would help to identify, incentivize and manage impact in a transparent, credible and efficient way.

 leonardo co-founders Samuel Khew, Jasper Klemm and Jan Moellmann (from right to left) try to disrupt the status quo of sustainability data through a software solution that enables social entrepreneurs to measure and report their impact; photo: Katrin Klemm
leonardo co-founders Samuel Khew, Jasper Klemm and Jan Moellmann (from right to left) try to disrupt the status quo of sustainability data through a software solution that enables social entrepreneurs to measure and report their impact; photo: Katrin Klemm

Most, if not all, things that scaled extraordinarily well over the last decades were based on the availability of data that was then used for data-driven decision-making. Maximizing something requires measuring this something – be it user engagement for Facebook, delivery times for instant delivery services or simply financial returns for an asset manager. Now, what we need to scale fast to avoid collapse and to work towards a future in which the planet and people thrive is positive impact; hence, we need to measure this impact. If we would have the right data available, it would be possible to make better consumer decisions, to manage by impact objectives, to incentivize impact through regulation and even to bake impact into financial products to make sure that impact-generating enterprises have access to the funding they need to realize and scale their projects and products.

Unfortunately, measuring impact is not an easy task. I have been there. Working for a social enterprise on rural electrification in West Africa, I knew how valuable it would be to measure and communicate not only how many of our customers gained access to electricity, but also what this access to electricity means in terms of socio-economic development such as productivity increases, women empowerment, safety as well as access to healthcare and education. At the same time, it was difficult to gather this data. A typical social enterprise does not have scientists who understand how to collect such data accurately and also not software and data teams who could take care of a streamlined data pipeline for ongoing impact monitoring and reporting. Some digital solutions exist that approximate impact based on secondary data, i.e. forecasting impact based on similar projects. But is it really accurate, helpful, transparent or even morally acceptable to judge impact without measuring it where it actually occurs? I find this approach particularly concerning when it comes to assessing social impact: If we want to understand which products and projects actually change the lives of people for the better, we better collect the data at the source by asking the people whose lives we aim to improve.

After witnessing these challenges first-hand and talking to dozens of other social entrepreneurs who faced similar problems, I decided to start a software company in 2022 that supports impact-driven organizations and their capital providers in measuring, verifying and reporting their true impact. At leonardo, we try our best to measure sustainability where sustainability effects actually occur and then to use this data to empower impact-driven management and investment decisions. You can find more information about leonardo at 

Logo by: leonardo. impact GmbH
Logo by: leonardo. impact GmbH

Technology plays a key role here: Large language models can be used for verifying, understanding and utilizing large amounts of interview data; the blockchain can be used for storing and transmitting impact data in a transparent and traceable way as well as tokenizing impact to make it invest- and tradeable. At the end of the day, though, it is not about the technology or data itself, but about using it for the right purposes. We need to stop wasting our talent, time and resources working on things that will only benefit one’s own bank account. We need to use technology and business to work on the things that matter. A brighter future is possible if we start building it together.

Author Info

Jan Moellmann
Headshot: by Katrin Klemm

Jan Moellmann is co-founder & CEO @ leonardo. impact and a doctoral candidate @ TU Munich. leonardo aims to make deep impact measurement, verification and reporting easy and credible. After 4 years as Finance Director of the social startup Africa GreenTec and while conducting research about the topic as a doctoral candidate at TUM, he discovered the great value that trustworthy impact data has for sustainability-focused enterprises, but also how hard it is to get this data – leading him to co-found leonardo. Jan holds Master’s degrees in Engineering Management from TU Braunschweig and Industrial Engineering from Georgia Tech where he spent one year in Atlanta on a Fulbright scholarship. He and his wife Lena live in Frankfurt, Germany, and love to hike and bike through mountains whenever they get the chance.

Embracing Diversity: Fulbrighters with Disabilities’ Unwavering Commitment

by Geghie Davis-Tillie

copy-edited by Itto Outini


Fulbrighters with Disabilities
Logo by: FWD

What enters the average person’s mind in response to the phrase “diversity and inclusion”? For some, these words may conjure up images of corporate boardrooms ticking off checkboxes. For others, they may call to mind well-intentioned policymakers striving to create more welcoming professional atmospheres. In reality, however, these words ought to evoke more than corporate policies. They are ideals whose realization demands consideration of the vast and vivid tapestry of human experiences, abilities, and perspectives that occur throughout the world.

Consideration of this tapestry – and with it, the commitment to diversity and inclusion that it inspires – animates Fulbrighters with Disabilities (FWD), a global, virtual chapter of the Fulbright Association.

FWD is the first chapter of the Fulbright Association to focus on supporting students and scholars with disabilities. To this end, we’ve embraced a virtual model to increase our global reach and foster national, cultural, geographical, linguistic, and ethnic diversity without requiring that people with limited mobility travel long distances, live away from their families, or forsake their local support systems. This, we believe, is an essential strategy for building a more diverse and inclusive future. Since our launch in 2021, we’ve made significant progress toward building a diverse, international community, advancing advocacy efforts, and collaborating with other chapters and partner organizations.

Our board consists of four members: President Geghie Davis-Tillie, Vice President Keegan Julius, Treasurer Istou Diallo, and Secretary Frank Mondelli. We all identify as people with disabilities. Our efforts are supported by the contributions of many wonderful volunteers. As a Neurodivergent woman with multiple invisible, physical disabilities, I consider it a privilege and honor to lead such an extraordinary team toward fulfilling our potential to contribute to the Fulbright community and better the world.

Advocacy Day at Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., from left to right: Leland Lazarus, Geghie Davis-Tillie, President of FWD, Catherine Harbour, and Keegan Julius, Vice President of FWD; photo: Leland Lazarus.
Advocacy Day at Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., from left to right: Leland Lazarus, Geghie Davis-Tillie, President of FWD, Catherine Harbour, and Keegan Julius, Vice President of FWD; photo: Leland Lazarus.

Our chapter’s founder, Itto Outini, worked long and hard to get FWD off the ground. A totally blind Fulbright alumna, journalist, writer, Steinbeck Fellow, and international public speaker, Itto has since gone on to launch her own international media platform, The DateKeepers, in partnership with her husband. Both projects reflect Itto’s commitment to elevating diversity and inclusion beyond the banal verbiage of the boardroom and bringing together individuals with diverse perspectives and abilities, from all walks of life and every corner of the globe, to strive together toward a common cause. Without Itto’s unwavering vigilance and dedication, neither our chapter nor The DateKeepers would be here today.

Itto Outini (left) and Mekiya Outini (right), founders of the DateKeepers; photo: Julia Walters
Itto Outini (left) and Mekiya Outini (right), founders of the DateKeepers; photo: Julia Walters

In 2022, a year after founding the chapter, Itto passed on the presidency of FWD to me. At the time, I’d just returned from my Fulbright in England and had connected with Itto via LinkedIn, where she was seeking scholars with disabilities to interview and profile. This encouraged me to share with her my stories from my time in England, including how the Fulbright Association and my university had helped me acquire official ADHD and dyslexia diagnoses and access therapy, which I wouldn’t otherwise have been able to afford. Spurred by the revelation that I’m Neurodivergent, and that there’s a vast community of Neurodivergent individuals all over the world, I ended up writing my thesis on sensory processing differences (SPD) and how implementing more accessible and inclusive design practices can help those of us with such conditions more easily navigate public spaces. Back in the U.S., I wanted to do more, deepening my engagement with the international Neurodivergent community while also giving back to the Fulbright Association. Sensing my passion, Itto encouraged me to take a leading role in FWD. 

This year, we attended Fulbright Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., where we engaged with policymakers to secure Fulbright funding. In July, I had the honor of flying to London to attend the first Fulbrighter and Community Engagement Workshop, where over 30 Fulbright alumni and friends from all around the world gathered to brainstorm strategies for improving social connectivity. Possibly our proudest achievement has been our successful implementation of the first-ever sensory room at the Fulbright Association Conference in Denver – though speaking at the Youth Summit and participating in the table-top event are close runners-up.

Fulbrighters with Disabilities is more than a chapter. We are a movement united by the common vision of seeing diversity celebrated and inclusivity becoming the norm. Our commitment to pushing boundaries through advocacy, education, and innovation knows no bounds. As we advance toward the horizon, I hope FWD can serve our community as a guiding light illuminating paths toward a world where every thread of our diverse tapestry is recognized and celebrated and where no one is left behind.

For more information about Fulbrighters with Disabilities or the DateKeepers, please reach out by emailing the chapter at 

Author Info

Headshot: photo by Geghie Davis-Tillie
Headshot: photo by Geghie Davis-Tillie

Geghie Davis-Tillie is a human-centered designer with a focus in UX/UI East Tennessee in the U.S. She currently serves as President of the Fulbrighters with Disabilities chapter within the Fulbright Association. With a deep connection to her Appalachian heritage and her personal experience as someone with multiple invisible disabilities including Neurodivergence, Geghie brings a distinctive and multifaceted perspective to her storytelling, making it truly unique.

For more FRANKly articles from our 2023 magazine, look here!

The German-American Revolution

by Johannes Ehrmann

In July, 1776, America’s rebels formulated their universal ideals of freedom and humanity. German immigrants were crucial in disseminating them.

Buchcover: ggf. hinzufügen: “1. Auflage 2023, 320 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-608-98718-8”
1. Auflage 2023, 320 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-608-98718-8

In the early days of July, 1776, Philadelphia’s printing quarter was bustling with activity. Several printers along Second Street received express orders from the Continental Congress. The makeshift parliament of the 13 American colonies convened only a brief ten-minute-walk away in the Pennsylvania State House on Chestnut Street. On July 4, the delegates had voted on the finalized text of their Declaration of Independence.

Among the printers who worked overnight shifts were German-born Melchior Steiner and Charles Cist. Their task was the first and by far most important translation of the document. It was targeted at the vast number of German immigrants in the colonies. They were estimated to be 250,000 people or roughly ten percent of the population. In Pennsylvania, it was more than a third of people who spoke German as a first language.

The Germans were the largest non-English-speaking group of the colonies. It was crucial to win them over for the revolution if it was to have any success. Steiner and Cist were certainly aware of this. They had both been born in Europe. Cist came from a German family in St. Petersburg and had later studied medicine at Martin Luther University in Halle. Steiner was the son of a pastor from the German-speaking parts of Switzerland.

For his printing business, he sometimes used an Anglicized version of his surname: Styner. This helped gain him trust among the English, who still held some resentments against the Germans, these “Palatine boors,” as Philadelphia’s most prominent citizen, Benjamin Franklin, had once labeled them. Steiner’s partner had even made up an entirely new English-sounding surname from his initials: Carl Jacob Sigismund Thiel turned into CIST.

The two German printers worked on what was truly a revolutionary document. The concept that every human possessed certain inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, continues to shape our world to this day. The Declaration of Independence also marked the dawn of a new form of government and society. What Steiner and Cist meticulously typeset letter by letter in their printery on Philadelphia’s Second Street was nothing less than the foundation of modern democracy.

On July 5, the German-language newspaper Der Pennsylvanische Staatsbote was the first to report the news out of Philadelphia. It did not print the full text yet, which appeared in English a day later in the Pennsylvania Evening Post. Soon after, Steiner and Cist printed the first copy of their German translation. They had deliberately set it in Gothic type (Fraktur), the style of lettering that German readers of the time were used to.

Job well done: The rebels’ claims of liberty and self-government were now being distributed amongst the Germans also. But would they really give up English protection and risk the tentative wealth they had acquired just for some fiery ideals and the vague promise of a new form of government?

The most prominent German-American of his time was not so sure. Heinrich Melchior Mühlenberg, the head of the Lutheran churches in the colonies, was a man of the old order. He had sworn allegiance to the king more than once, upon his arrival in Philadelphia and later, when he was naturalized as a British subject. And hadn’t this very king always ensured that preachers like Mühlenberg could freely practice their religion and build their churches? Just like the Apostle Paul had written to the Romans: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God.”

Simply put, Pastor Heinrich Mühlenberg had no idea what side of this bloody conflict God had chosen. So he could and would not decide himself either. But Mühlenberg was faced with a serious personal crisis: His own children started to defect from him to join the rebel cause.

Two of his sons would leave the Lutheran ministry and fight for the goals of the revolution. Friedrich or Frederick, his second-oldest son, would later become the first Speaker of the newly formed U.S. House of Representatives. And Peter, Mühlenberg’s eldest, was involved in the war from early 1776 when he formed a German regiment from his congregations in rural Virginia. Peter fought in Brandywine, in Germantown, and in Yorktown, where the war was decided in favor of the United States in 1783. He then became a Congressman as well.

The Mühlenberg sons were not an exception amongst German-Americans who fought against the British in great number. But their father continued to struggle with the path they had chosen. Their worldly careers seemed sacrilegious to him. The patriarch died in October 1787, just days after the U.S. Constitution was passed and sent to the 13 states for ratification. In Pennsylvania, where it was ratified quickly thanks to Frederick Mühlenberg, the text was then sent for printing: 3,000 English copies, 2,000 in German.

When father is arrayed against son … It was during my Fulbright year as a History student in Philadelphia that I first discovered this fascinating German-American family story. I was struck by the Mühlenberg’s deep generational conflict, by the schism between the old and the new world. My professor encouraged me to tell the story as my Master’s thesis. Almost 15 years later, I felt finally ready to turn it into a whole narrative non-fiction book. “Söhne der Freiheit” was published this fall by Klett-Cotta in Germany.

Why is this story of almost 250 years still relevant today? In fact, the ideals of July 4 – freedom, equality, self-government – have not aged a day. They continue to be fought for, in Europe, America, and elsewhere. No doubt, the spirit of 1776 is very well and alive. It is guiding us into a better future.

Johannes Ehrmann
Headshot by Manfred Esser

Johannes Ehrmann, born 1983, is a contributing editor with ZEIT ONLINE and the author of several non-fiction books. After studying North American Studies at FU Berlin’s John F. Kennedy Institute, he graduated with an M.A. degree in History from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 2007 where he studied as a Fulbright grantee. “Söhne der Freiheit” is his fifth book (ISBN: 978-3-608-98718-8).

For more FRANKly articles from our 2023 magazine, look here!

How Can We Create a Better Future?

Beyond Material Wealth: Does Simplicity Elevate the Soul to Happiness?

by Annabella Kadavanich

Photos: Omer Maayan

In a world full of possibilities, creating a better future is not a distant dream; it is a responsibility shared by us all. The magic lies in the fact that each and every one of us holds the power to make a difference starting right now. In this article, we set out on a journey of self-discovery, exploring how anyone and everybody can individually contribute to a brighter tomorrow and, equally important, how we may support the next generation, ensuring a lasting legacy through the transformative power of education.

Rich Hearts of Cambodia: Embracing Happiness in Simplicity

As I invite you on a magical journey to a land where time dances to the rhythm of simplicity, I hope that this story serves you as a reminder of your potential to bring positive change in the future. In the heart of Cambodia, where the sun casts a golden glow over the landscape, a touching tale of how to find true happiness unveils. In a remote village near Phnom Penh, young children go on a long journey every day, walking 10 kilometers to reach their school. These kids must face the harsh truth that their families lack the resources to enjoy the luxury of a tasty breakfast at home. Therefore, they stop along the way to skilfully climb mango trees so they can have a quick and filling meal before school.

During the summer months, many of them decide to skip school in order to assist their parents with the difficult but necessary chore of harvesting rice, giving up the opportunity of a better future for themselves. Some people might assume that these families don’t have a lot of wealth. But the truth runs deeper, and their richness lies in the depths of their hearts.

For these Cambodian children and their family, life is an exercise in finding happiness and fulfillment in even the most simple conditions. They understand that true happiness is not related to the abundance of material possessions, but comes from a profound connection with the land, the community, and the bond they share with one another. They are filled with gratitude for all the little wonders life gives them each day.

During my time in Cambodia, the volunteers loved gathering alongside the children under the vast canvas of stars. Laughter and stories filled the air, filling the night with the kind of warmth that money cannot buy. I remember the children’s eyes sparkling with hope, and their spirits dancing with dreams, embracing life’s challenges with unwavering strength and a magical belief in the beauty of simplicity.

Collective Impact: Together, We Create a Brighter Future for Cambodian Children
Collective Impact: Together, We Create a Brighter Future for Cambodian Children

In the stillness of twilight, they lay their heads on beds of dreams, knowing that despite the challenges they face, they are rich beyond measure in the wealth that truly matters – the wealth of love, compassion, and a happiness that radiates from within.

“Happiness is the foundation upon which we build the most beautiful future.” – James Allan

In Cambodia’s embrace, we learn an invaluable lesson, that true riches lie not in the grandeur of possessions, but in the richness of our heart. And as the sun rises on another day, may we carry this wisdom with us, cherishing the little moments, finding joy in simplicity, and recognizing that during the journey of life, true happiness blooms within us all.

So how can we create a better future?

In the attempt of building a better tomorrow, we recognize the complexity of this question, acknowledging that there is no singular answer.

While you are in the pursuit of a brighter tomorrow for our world, it’s important to recognize that creating a better future begins with the simplest of steps we take today. Take a moment to appreciate the small blessings in your life – the morning breakfast, the abundance of groceries in your fridge, the privilege of education. Instead of becoming entangled by materialism, get off your phone and focus on building genuine connections with those around you.

The future is brightest when we embrace the simplicity of happiness in every moment
The future is brightest when we embrace the simplicity of happiness in every moment

Above all, I encourage you not to simply read these words and let them fade into the background. The time for action is now, today. Within each of us resides the power to shape an extraordinary future, and it all begins with finding inner happiness. As you unlock this inner radiance, you’ll become a lighthouse, guiding the way towards a profoundly magnificent tomorrow. So, let these words be your catalyst for meaningful change, and let us embark on this journey together, towards a brighter future we create with every step we take.

Author Info:


Headshot by Alexandra Boldanova
Headshot by Alexandra Boldanova

Annabella is a former Fulbright scholar from Germany who is currently living her dream life in Orlando, Florida. Her diverse experiences include three months of dedicated volunteering at an orphanage in Cambodia, and she is passionate about sharing the heartwarming memories of that journey with the world.

For more FRANKly articles from our 2023 magazine, look here!

Reimagining Transatlantic Bridges for a Brighter Future

Organizing the Transatlantic Alumni Conference 2023 

By Andreas Dewald

All the participants of the TAC in Erfurt, Germany

It all started back in July 2022, when alumni of the German American Alumni (GAA) network came together in Berlin and decided to plan the second Transatlantic Alumni Conference (TAC). In August 2022, the planning team met for the first time to map out the road to TAC 2023. What followed were months of hard work from many motivated alumni from different alumni associations. Every other Sunday and on many days in between the planning team came together to organize all the different aspects, ranging from logistics, to speakers, to our event website etc. 

Following the call to “reimagine transatlantic bridges for a brighter future” we were happy to see a great turnout of over 110 participants from both sides of the Atlantic coming to Erfurt and Berlin for an exciting program over 3.5 days. The main program in Erfurt featured inspiring keynote speeches, panels and interactive sessions around the topics of Diversity, Geopolitics, Sustainability, and Digitalization. Participants were also invited to the U.S. Embassy where they met Ambassador Gutmann and had the chance to visit the Bundestag in Berlin. 

Particpants on stage at the TAC in Erfurt, Germany

What made this conference special was the incorporation of our motto “from alumni for alumni” into all aspects of the conference. Our 19 speakers were almost all alumni from different German-American exchange programs, and we also featured alumni who are early in their careers to highlight the future of the transatlantic community and elevate our young alumni.

My passion for this wonderful opportunity to bring so many alumni together inspired me to invest a significant amount of time alongside my role as president. But of course, I wasn’t alone in this endeavor. The entire volunteer team played an essential role, and I am grateful for the collaboration and support. I want to extend my deepest appreciation to our alumni Jana Frey, Rózsa Simon, Alexander Rohlf, Allie Drexler and Jörg Geier for their contribution to making this conference a success.

Read the conference report here:

Our 2023 FRANKly is here

Are you ready to read the 34th edition of the FRANKly magazine?

Cover of our FRANKly magazine
The FRANKly is our yearly association publication, where our members and other Fulbrighters write articles on a particular theme.

This year’s theme is “Building a Brighter Future”, and includes articles on embracing diversity, deeper conversations, the German-American Revolution, Hype Culture, as well as a lot of activities from our members and board over the past year.

Take a peek inside. We’ll be sharing the articles individually here on our website, so that they are easier to read and share.

The 34th Edition of the FRANKly magazine: FRANKly34_2023

FRANKly 2023: Call for Articles

The FRANKly is the annual journal of the German Fulbright Alumni Association. In addition to reporting on the regional, national, and international activities of our association, the publication serves as a platform for current Fulbrighters and alumni to share their fascinating experiences, witty opinions, unique perspectives, and thoughtful insights.

The 2023 Call for Articles is here and we are thrilled to announce this year’s theme:

Building a Brighter Future

We don’t know what exactly the future holds. But it is obvious that the path we are on is not headed to the promising future most of us would like to envision. The good news is that while “future” itself is inevitable, what version of the future will emerge is not: we all have a part to play in shaping the world of tomorrow and to ensure it is the best possible future for everyone.

The FRANKly 2023 welcomes contributions that explore visions of the future we can see ourselves living in and the building blocks needed to make it happen. What new approaches are necessary in order to tackle challenges such as climate change and sustainability, geopolitical imbalances, poverty, education, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility as well as the potential of the digital world while not forgetting about the place of culture and the arts in our societies. At the same time, our future isn’t just the big picture, but also our personal, more immediate future. Questions regarding financial security, healthcare, career possibilities as well the role of family, friends, and communities are at the forefront for a lot of us.

So. What can we do? How can we build a more resilient world in which everyone can feel a sense of belonging? What is the role of the transatlantic world and how can Fulbrighters, as one example, use their potential to have an impact? What can we do to build a brighter future?

Articles that exhibit a connection with the Fulbright Program, the German Fulbright Alumni Association (F.A.e.V.), or the network of Fulbright Alumni Associations across the globe are always encouraged, as are articles with creative approaches of how our main theme resonates with you personally. When submitting your article, please provide 2-3 sentences about yourself in third person and a headshot. Authors are encouraged to submit images (3-6 images total) that support their article. Every photograph must include the photographer’s name and a caption. Articles may range in length from 3,000 – 12,000 characters (including spaces) and should be written in American English.

The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2023. Please send all questions, ideas, and contributions to Jana Frey via email at

Jana Frey

Watts of Love

Stella and her daugther with their rum distillery. Photo by Sean Economoi
Stella and her daugther with their rum distillery. Photo by Sean Economoi

In 2009, Nancy Economou visited the Philippines, where she witnessed a young girl with her face burned by kerosene. She later learned that an overwhelming number of families do not have access to a safe and sustainable light source. Kerosene lamps serve as the only source of light after the sun goes down, making work, studying, and caring for children a challenging and often dangerous task. Furthermore, families worldwide spend up to a third of their income on toxic lighting sources, such as kerosene, paraffin, or batteries, which often get thrown into landfills, leeching toxic materials into local water sources. In 2013, she returned to the Philippines with innovative solar lighting units that could be carried with the users. Seeing that there was increased safety and health by removing kerosene from homes, and the financial freedom that comes with saving the money that would have been spent on lighting, Watts of Love was founded.

Malawian boy reading under multi-light. Photo: Kevin Kuster
Malawian boy reading under multi-light. Photo: Kevin Kuster

Watts of Love empowers those that we serve by helping them set goals and achieve their dreams while illuminating their paths with guiding light. Since 2013, we have distributed nearly 90,000 lights in 53 countries. In 2019, Watts of Love launched the Lighthouse model, our solution to scaling. Watts of Love intentionally seeks the most vulnerable people in the developing world, who live without access to sustainable light. We partner with in-country organizations and invest in local leaders to represent Watts of Love. Using a unique financial literacy curriculum, Watts of Love gently and compassionately instructs these recipients on how to save, invest and build for the future. We train entire communities on how to properly use the solar light and provide education on basic financial concepts such as compound savings and return on investment. We emphasize the significance of redirecting funds previously used to purchase kerosene or other dangerous light sources and investing their savings in livestock. We want our light recipients to be successful where they are, aiming for communities to create self-sufficiency and look to their community members for inspiration.

Multi-light. Photo by Sean Economou

And it’s working. Across the world, families are irrevocably changing. We are hearing stories of children who would have been sold into child marriage excelling to the top of their class, stories of single mothers starting their own businesses and the elder continuing to care for their families. In Malawi, Stella’s daughter received a light in September 2021. She brought the light and her new financial literacy home to teach Stella that they already had the money – their former battery money. Her daughter explained that if they saved their money, they could use it to buy things that will only increase their income, such as livestock. Stella realized, however, that she wants her money to work for her. So, she started a rum distillery in her yard, and now, she has employees. Her life, and the lives of her children, have forever been changed through financial literacy.

Batwa tribe in Uganda. Photo by Sean Economou
Batwa tribe in Uganda. Photo by Sean Economou

Watts of Love has lights in 53 countries around the world, but focus countries are Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, and the Philippines.

Find out more at

Watts of Love was introduced to Fulbright through a panel on human trafficking in early May.

By Kylee Hernandez

Nepalese Women holding multi-light. Photo by Kevin Kuster
Nepalese Women holding multi-light. Photo by Kevin Kuster

“Giving Back” as Social Action

As President of the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the German-American Fulbright Program e.V (VFF) and three-time Fulbrighter myself, I am committed to the future stability of the institution that changed my life and that of many others. In fact, in this position I work to increase financial and human resources that are essential to maintain and grow the programs that Fulbright offers, especially as government budgets are cut.

Fulbright Pulse Podcast with Jeff Peck.

Listen to the podcast with Alexandra Schaller and Dr.  Jeffrey M. Peck on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.  

Simultaneously, the attention that is finally being paid to underrepresented groups in Fulbright means that more and different kinds of people should be applying than ever before. Unfortunately, this inclusivity, as necessary and desirable as it is, may burden the system whose very task it is to create a more diverse environment. Aside from the sheer numbers, in my opinion it is ethically and morally responsible to make it possible for all people to be Fulbrighters, no matter what gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, or disability.

While one would hope that the Fulbright experience – living and learning in another culture – would inspire “intercultural” awareness, more needs to be done to bring a “social conscience” into the mix. Fortunately, the self-reflexivity and self-awareness that comes with experiencing oneself as a “foreigner” provides a strong basis for triggering this kind of personal evolution.

But this is not always the case, and therefore, as someone dedicated to these goals, I found that encouraging beneficiaries to “give back” to such programs, such as Fulbright, or for that matter to other similar institutions from which one has benefitted academically, professionally or personally, is the right thing to do. Those on both sides of the equation – so to speak, the “givers” and the “receivers,” benefit substantially. A little can go a long way.

It is important to remember that the Fulbright experience only begins with the time abroad and continues long after, (some might say it even starts during the application and orientation process), hopefully for one’s entire lifetime. As a member of what we like to call the “one Fulbright Community” (the German-American Fulbright Commission, the German Fulbright Alumni Association e.V and the VFF), a “Fulbright family” of sorts, the experience can become a part of one’s own lifecycle extending and enriching in perpetuity. “Giving back” can actually be the essential structure of connecting and belonging to this one Fulbright Community. In short, being a Fulbrighter becomes the gift that keeps on giving!

For these reasons, I am now more than ever encouraging people to find an appropriate moment – often far after their actual stay abroad and later in their lifecycle – to give back to the institutions that have been instrumental in their lives. The most obvious way is financial, i.e. making a contribution of whatever amount that can be used to support other students, particularly in those groups who have been denied, hindered, or even not been aware of these possibilities. I think here of the VFF and Alumni Association that support short term programs in the United States for Germans with so-called “migration background” to meet other minorities for academic and personal exchange.

But money is not the only way. Contributing time and effort is another helping hand, such as is obvious with the German Fulbright Alumni Association that sponsors this publication. One should spread the word at workplaces, colleges, universities, schools and other institutions that promote learning of every kind. Encouraging friends, family or colleagues to apply is also an important way to be involved. Of course, the notion of “giving back” is imbedded more naturally in a voluntaristic culture like the United States. But it is a significant gesture also to educate German friends and colleagues that this practice contributes to a stronger and better civic community. Moreover, it helps foster a more interconnected and interdependent society that experiences the benefit of working together at multiple levels to enhance chances for others, particularly those less privileged.

I hope that these few thoughts on this topic, presented in this publication in particular, might stimulate a different kind of thinking about how one Fulbrighter can make a difference.

Find out more about the “Verein der Freunde und Förderer des deutsch-amerikanischen Fulbright Programms e.V.” and become a member at:

Jeff Peck

Prof. Dr Jeff Peck
Aside from his current position mentioned above, was co-author of, “Moving from Individual Experience to Institutional Change. European Fulbright Diversity Initiative (EFDI). A Task Force Report,” 2019.

Transforming the World Requires Transforming Ourselves – A Pledge for more Authenticity

Our planet is on fire – literally and metaphorically. Natural disasters range from climate change, biodiversity loss, species and plant extinction to the degradation of natural ecosystems. Economic development, meant to lift millions if not billions of people out of poverty, leads to an increase in anthropogenic pressure. According to the Global Footprint Network, humans use as many ecological resources as if we lived on 1.75 earths. Consequently, measures need to be taken to reduce the overall footprint on our planet.

View over northern Italy. Photo by Jörg Geier.
photo: Jörg Geier

A lot has been written over the last years, and sometimes even decades, on topics such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Governance, Sustainable Development, Triple Bottom Line, Sustainable Finance, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), Impact Investing, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or the European Green Deal.

What all of these terms and measures have in common, is the notion that economic activity and global development need to be more holistic in nature in order to protect natural resources and pay attention to social (including health) considerations – above and beyond a single focus on economic prosperity. Some of these terms focus on macroeconomic, others on microeconomic (including finance and accounting) considerations. One could also say that the perspective changes from the big picture (e.g., on a national or supranational level) to a more microscopic consideration (e.g., on an organizational level) in order to incentivize transactions – and action – that keep in mind people and planet, in addition to profit.

Let’s take a look at Corporate Social Responsibility (the term Corporate Governance is often used synonymously): As noted in HEC’s Executive Factsheet, the economists Howard R. Bowen1 and William C. Frederick2, looked into the social responsibilities of companies and their leadership in the 50s and 60s, respectively. However, it took almost 50 years for CSR to become mainstream: According to KPMG3, it took a while for CSR reporting rates to increase: at the turn of the century a third of the world’s 250 largest companies by revenue published a CSR report; this number rose to approx. 90% around 2010.

The Brundtland Commission’s report to the UN Our Common Future (WCED – World Commission on Environment and Development 1987), popularized the term sustainable development; it was preceded by a range of publications on topics such as development, economic growth (including its limits). The Brundtland Report expressed the belief that social equity, economic growth and environmental maintenance are simultaneously possible, thus highlighting the three fundamental components of sustainable development: the environment, the economy and society, which later became known as the triple bottom line.4 Moreover, the report emphasized the rights of future generations.

Along similar lines, different historic events created the basis for what is now known as impact investing. In 2006, the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) was released with 63 signatories and $6.5 trillion in assets. Impact investors focus on advancing environmental or social considerations alongside the optimization of investment returns.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in New York in September 2015. Various UN declarations and summits paved the way for developed and developing countries to follow universally recognized principles tackling poverty while improving education as well as human and planetary health, reducing inequality, and spurring economic growth.

So far so good. All of these measures – embedded into regulatory frameworks – are important milestones toward a more equitable, socially and environmentally just transformation of our planet.

However, we simply don’t have enough time!

In 2015, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and Stockholm Resilience Centre published a dashboard of 24 indicators which depict the dramatic acceleration in human enterprise and the impacts on the Earth system over the last two centuries. Changes in human production and consumption, indicated by gross domestic product, direct foreign investment, energy consumption and telecommunications, are reflected in changes in the earth’s natural systems: climate (greenhouse gas levels, global temperature), ocean acidification, terrestrial biosphere degradation and fish capture.5

Having been part of the sustainability movement myself for over 15 years, I can safely say that there is certainly enough talk and also some action – but it may not be the right kind of action.

“ It cannot be emphasized enough how everything is interconnected. […] To seek only a technical remedy to each environmental problem which comes up is to separate what is in reality interconnected and to mask the true and deepest problems of the global system.”
– Pope Francis, Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ (2015) chapter 4, paragraph 138/chapter 3, paragraph 111

There is a conundrum when leaving things up to fate and in the hands of technocrats, politicians or economists: the focus is likely to be short-term, as incentives are often equally short-term oriented. Stock markets put pressure on listed companies to boost quarterly profits, often at the cost of long-term research and development expenditures. Venture capital investors demand entrepreneurs to grow exponentially, which requires business models that put profits before impact-oriented considerations. So-called patient capital is not commonplace. Politicians with an average tenure of four years may be punished for long-term oriented decisions (e.g., to address global problems such as climate change) if they have negative short-term effects (such as higher energy prices). How to balance short- and long-term interests may be a tough decision to make, especially if they want to be reelected. Most economists naturally focus on the maximization of economic growth rather than the wellbeing of our societies and individuals at large (mostly, because adequate systems have not been set up yet to measure indicators other than GDP).

The other side of the coin are both consumers and producers who are less conscious than they may claim to be. Consumers may not always have all the information they require to make ethical purchasing decisions at their fingertips. But they can still choose to inform themselves to buy more sustainable goods – or simply consume less. Not least due to the current sustainability trend, greenwashing is omnipresent. Producers apply misguided marketing or PR campaigns or change the packaging of an existing product while continuing to use unsustainable ingredients. It is a way for companies to appear like they care while also increasing their profit margins.

From my perspective, we are facing both a systemic and a spiritual crisis that is deeply rooted.

Our western mindsets in particular tend to look for quick fixes when addressing global problems that have been in the making for decades if not centuries. However, Planet Earth – which has been in the making for millennia – doesn’t care if the systems of our own creation have to report quarterly earnings, plan exits after ten years with double-digit financial returns, optimize macroeconomic growth (or decline) figures, or care more about the next election cycle than the mandate that put them in power in the first place.

We need a broad-based debate on how to create equitable and sustainable societies able to live within the boundaries of our planet. Such a debate needs to incorporate not only specialists or bureaucrats, but also philosophers, anthropologists, artists, political scientists and others.

What is required is behavior change on a massive scale. We cannot propagate green growth or conscious consumption without taking a look at the whole picture, especially when the future of our children is at stake. Innovations, often driven by technology, notably when they address environmental concerns, may result in efficiency gains. While these can have a positive impact on the cost of products or services, they are also very likely to influence user behavior: increases in overall consumption partially cancel out the original savings. This effect is called “rebound.”6 As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, it is indeed possible to change our behavior, even in the short term. It may be painful but it is necessary if we want to achieve visible results in line with goals set by international agreements such as the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The more I have dealt with sustainability issues, the more I have come to realize that the basis for transformation is not to look without but within ourselves. Lasting transformation starts by asking ourselves questions which may not always be easy: What am I compensating for? Who do I want to impress? What is it that I am hiding?

There are reasons why mental health and wellbeing are trends that are here to stay.7 More stress and noise in our environments have led to people of all ages – especially urban dwellers – to seek refuge in meditation retreats, monasteries or other refuges of silence. Anxieties about uncontrollable events may further take us on a journey inside ourselves. But will this trend also have an effect on our behavior? This remains to be seen; though there is hope given that more and more individuals, especially in the young generation, take the moral high ground: they choose to travel by train rather than by plane; they focus on second-hand products rather than the latest gadget or piece of clothing; they are happy to share consumer goods or their living environments.

Being more authentic about our decisions and intentions will go a long way.

“Changing is not just changing the things outside of us. First of all we need the right view that transcends all notions including of being and non-being, creator and creature, mind and spirit. That kind of insight is crucial for transformation and healing.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Joerg Geier was a German Fulbrighter at Golden Gate University, San Francisco, where he completed his MBA 2001-03. With an internation- al background in the private sector, think tanks and academia, Joerg’s passion is the area of green startups, innovation ecosystems, and impact investing. He works as a consultant and has previ- ously focused on leadership development and capacity building.
See also for additional information.

photo: Gesine Born

  1. Bowen, H. R. (1953). Social responsibilities of the businessman. New York, Harper & Brothers.
  2. Frederick, W. C. (1960). The growing concern over business responsibility. California Management Review, 2(4), pages 54-61.
  3. The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2017.
  4. Jacobus A. (2007). Sustainable development – historical roots of the concept. Environmental Sciences Vol. 3, 2006 – Issue 2, p. 83-96.
  5. McNeill, J. R. and Engelke, P. (2016). The great acceleration: An environmental history of the Anthropocene since 1945. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 288 p. (ISBN 978-0-67454-503-8).
  6. German Environment Agency’s definition of rebound effects,
  7. Kayt Sukel (2022). The power of quiet: The mental and physical health benefits of silence. In: NewScientist, August 10, 2022,

Social Conscience against Social Contradiction

It’s already 11 pm.
                     Ok, let’s wrap this up, says Zeynep.
                     That’s enough. I am tired.
Aynur smiles.
                     We need to finish tonight, she says, looking at Zeynep on the screen.

                     Can’t we just cancel it? asks Zeynep.
But we put in so much work already. We did the content for social media, we contacted different institutions and started announcements for the event. Not this conversation again.
                  Yes, you always want to quit right before the end of the project, thinking it’s not worth it. But once we finish you look back and you’re glad you pulled through.


Water is pouring from the tap. You fill your bottle. Close the tap. It is getting dark outside and you switch on the lights in the kitchen and the living room. You turn on the kettle for some tea while checking your phone: four new notifications, three on WhatsApp, one on TikTok. You remember the tote bag with groceries at the entrance. You get them and start preparing dinner.

Growing up in developed countries, day-to-day life is smooth: water, heating (though that is a big question in 2022), education, jobs, entertainment, health, transport, and travel. All of that is easily accessible for many of us, though, some still struggle. In general, however, life is comfortable here. Maybe too comfortable and often taken for granted, which can be seen in the diminishing interest in politics, society, or lack of responsibility by the younger generation. We think.

Over the past two decades, incredible young people have caught attention globally for their activism and work, like Greta Thunberg, Amanda Gorman, Luisa Neubauer, or Aminata Touré. But how and why did these young women develop a social, political or environmental conscience? How come these women keep to their work despite serious challenges and intense media attention waiting for them to make a “wrong” move?

It’s 2008. A 23-year old woman stands for election to the city council, but fails to get elected. She doesn’t give up on her aim to “build a society where every child can become anything and every person can live and grow in dignity.” Four years later, she again stood for election and this time she was successful. In the years following, she rose to become the world’s youngest prime minister. Her name: Sanna Marin.

But what drove Marin’s determination to have a more equal society in a country that is world-leading in equality both economically and socially? What made her not give up pursuing a political mandate? Her answer in 2020: “I’m in politics because I thought that the older generation wasn’t doing enough about the big issues of the future. I needed to act. I couldn’t just think, ‘It’s somebody else’s job’.” ”

Fast forward to 2022: A video circulates over all media platforms showing the young Finnish prime minister dancing with her friends apparently at a private event. The debate that followed showed and stressed that even in acclaimed equal societies, it doesn’t mean there’s nothing left to accomplish when it comes to equality. Maybe not materially, but morally.

The debates and comments on social media after the leaked private video showed there is still an immense gap between several groups, for instance between men and women. Otherwise, how is it possible that one politician is being judged by countless of her colleagues for doing the same as her male companions?

On a daily basis, women exhaustingly fight to break out of double standards and stereotypes created within societies. Double standards means the preferring or rejection of people on the basis of their gender, ethnicity, sexuality or other uncontrollable distinctions in which none are relevant or justifiable factors for this discrimination. In other words: your actions are being valued differently because of something you have almost no control over.

Double standards are seen in dozens of areas: the workplace, in politics and even at school. If a student with a migration background is acting poorly, mostly it is blamed on her cultural background while the mistakes of a native student are caused only by the playfulness of the child. Until recently, this multifaceted double standard that treats and judges actions of people according to their gender or ethnicity is common in our current society. Why does nobody talk about it, if it’s such a substantial issue?

If a lion is born in the zoo, is being fed the same meat every day and taken care of by the same people repeatedly, do you think he would recognize that the cage is not his original habitat? He may assume that something feels off due to his natural instincts. But if he never saw the savanna, never felt its wind on his skin nor spent his time hunting for a gazelle or a zebra, do you believe he would understand that there is something “wrong” with his life?

For centuries, people have lived and breathed with double standards. It is not until someone, somewhere tells us to break out of the circle, tells us that there is something not okay with our situation that we recognize these issues. Sanna Marin’s debate showed us clearly the unequal treatment – not financially but socially. Now, for our future generations we need to change and stop enduring unfair treatment and judgment.

Unfortunately, reality is not as simple as acknowledging that a lion does not belong in a cage. In our society there are still people who don’t understand or who simply don’t know that the way they are treated is unfair. And those who know or at least have a feel for unrightful treatment, often don’t realize how to defend themselves.

That is why we have been socially and politically active for the past couple of years. Not only because it is our responsibility but also our duty as citizens in the 21st century to create a society in which diversity is lived and not only talked about. Because diversity is not having a bunch of people who look different, diversity is giving everyone the same rights as well as the same justice and judgment. It might be tiring but it is worth it.

Until we break out of this cage of double standards we will not give up.

About the authors:

Aynur Durak, raised in Berlin, Germany, is a multilingual student of intercultural communications with a focus on diversity and equality in the workplace. As a Fulbright alumna, who participated in the Fulbright Diversity Initiative at Trinity University in San Antonio (TX) in 2019, she is the author of several publications, such as her debut poetry book: the universe in me. Currently, she is working as a Content Creator at Fulbright Germany while furthering her education in journalism and communication, to provide a larger range of topics such as race and racism in Western media. Purchase the universe in me or flowers of mercury on Amazon.

Aynur Durak

Zeynep Alraqeb is the Extended Board member for Diversity Alumni.

Zeynep Alraqeb speaks at a conference.

FRANKly: Call for Articles

Calling all writers!

Our FRANKly magazine is calling for articles for our 2022  edition, with the theme of, “Pursuing Our Social Conscience“. Everyone is  encouraged to submit under the guidelines in the call to action attached here as a PDF.

Please share our call far & wide.

To look at our 2021 magazine, just click here:

The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2022. Please send all questions,  ideas, and contributions to Jana Frey via email at

Pursuing Our Social Conscience

Injustices and inequalities have always existed in the societies we have created. The truth of this has again become apparent this year and forces us to listen closely to our social conscience, our sense of responsibility to engage with not only our own issues, but also those beyond us.

The war in Ukraine has brought this necessity particularly close for a lot of people. But of course, continuous threats to an equal, just and safe society for everyone should not be forgotten and remind us of the importance to take a stand, to raise our voices, to act with compassion and to contribute to making a change. Instead of focusing on the differences that separate us, we need to find the commonalities that connect us.

The FRANKly 2022 wishes to explore the different ways and arenas in which our social conscience can or should manifest. This issue welcomes contributions that rise to the occasion and accept civic responsibility. In which ways can we as people in general and as Fulbrighters in particular give back – and to whom? What injustices need to be tackled and what forms of protest can we chose to fight them? Can we take inspiration from the way people have followed their social conscience in the past, and how can we make use of this in the future? How can we empower others and support each other in order to have an impact beyond ourselves?

Download Call for Articles 2022

32nd FRANKly issue now available in digital format!

We are happy to present to you during this winter break, this year’s FRANKly! We hope you can take some time off during the next few days to spend with your loved ones, to relax – and to perhaps sit down with some Glühwein or Eggnog and the digital FRANKLy to read about this past year in the life of the FAeV and about our authors’ „Daring (New) Beginnings“!

We hope that the printed version of the magazine will be in your hands – true to the main theme – at the beginning of the new year.

In good old German tradition, the FAeV wishes a happy second day of Christmas and a guten Rutsch!


To view the latest issue of the FRANKly, have a look here!

FRANKly: Call for Articles

The 2020 Call for Articles for our association’s annual journal FRANKly is now available. Our editor this year – Jana Frey – is looking forward to your contributions on this year’s topic “reinventing comunities”.

Articles that exhibit a connection with the Fulbright Program, the German Fulbright Alumni Association (F.A.e.V.), or the network of Fulbright Alumni Associations across the globe are always encouraged. When submitting your article, please provide 2-3 sentences about yourself and a headshot. Authors are encouraged to submit images (3-6 images total) that support their article. Every photograph must include the photographer’s name and a caption. Articles may range in length from 3,000-12,000 characters (including spaces) and should be written in American English. The deadline for submissions is June 7, 2020.

Reinventing Communities

Being part of a community – or of different communities – is one of the most important aspects of our lives, as they are places where we connect with other people. The way we feel about communities and the way we act within in them shapes us as people and contributes to who we are.

As Fulbrighters we have all jumped at the opportunity to leave our own home communities for a time, at the opportunity to be part of new host communities in a different country as well as to completely create our own communities that are neither home nor host community, but something new. Communities today are capable of bridging borders. As members of the Fulbright Alumni e.V. we are part of a huge community of different people from all over. And we might be part of other communities: the sports community, the music community, the physical community of our home town or broadly speaking – the online community.

But the way we understand community has been changing drastically. The FRANKly 2020 welcomes contributions that focus on what community means to you: What experiences have you had with moving between different communities and which communities have you been part of? How have they shaped you and how have you shaped them? How have communities changed? And what kinds of opportunities might lie ahead in the communities of the future? How have we reinvented what community means to us in the
past? And will outside influences change our community beyond recognition, or can we take an active part in reinventing what community is today in a positive way?

Download Call for Articles 2020